Readings for Educators
These books/readings are meant for educators who want to continue learning about Indigenous history, as well as those curious of things they could do to help out the communities. Reading these books can help inform the actions we do in real life, and help us to better understand difficult concepts such as decolonization.
General Readings
Adams, Howard:
Prison of Grass: Canada From a Native Point of View
Barker, Joanne:
Sovereignty Matters: Locations of Contestation and Possibility in Indigenous Struggles for Self-Determination
Byrd, Jodi A.:
The Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques on Colonialism
Cesaire, Aime:
Discourse on Colonialism
Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth:
Anti-Indianism in Modern America: A Voice from Tatekeya’s Earth
Coulthard, Glen:
Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition
Drinnon, Richard:
Facing West: The Metaphysis of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building
Fanon, Frantz:
The Wretched of the Earth
Freire, Paulo:
Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage
Freire, Paulo:
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Hooks, Bell:
Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom
Ross, Luana:
Inventing the Savage: The Social Construction of Native American Criminality
Said, Edward:
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai:
Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
Simpson, Audra:
Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States
Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake:
Dancing on our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence,and a New Emergence
Tinker, George:
American Indian Liberation: A Theology of Sovereignty
Toews, Owen:
Stolen City: Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg
For Math Educators
Borden, Lisa Lunney:
What’s the word for…? Is there a word for…? How understanding Mi’kmaw language can help support Mi’kmaw learners in mathematics
Borden, Lisa Lunney; Wiseman, Dawn:
Considerations From Places Where Indigenous and Western Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing Circulate Together: STEM as Artifact of Teaching and Learning
Garcia-Olp, Michelle:
Conceptualizing a Mathematics Curriculum: Indigenous Knowledge has Always Been Mathematics Education
Meaney, Tamsin; Evans, Deb:
What is the responsibility of Mathematics Education to the Indigenous students that it serves?
Stavrou, Stavros Georgios; Miller, Dianne:
Miscalculations: Decolonizing and Anti-Oppressive Discourses in Indigenous Mathematics Education