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Lesson Plans

This page contains links to websites that have lesson plans that can be implemented in the classroom. 

Image by Vadim Gromov


The following link will take you to the Learn Alberta website which has a list of lesson plans that can be used with grades K-12 in Science. 

Education Books Bookshelfs


The following link will take you to the Learn Alberta website which has a list of lesson plans that can be used with grades K-12 in social studies. 


Social Studies

The following link will take you to the Learn Alberta website which has a list of lesson plans that can be used with grades K-12 in social studies.

Math Class

Secondary Math

The following link provides Indigenous math games that can be used with students in grades 7 to 12.

Image by Crissy Jarvis

Primary Math

The following link provides lesson plans that educators can use for students in grade 4.

Image by Jeswin Thomas

Math First Peoples

A textbook designed to assist with Indigenous mathematics teaching.

Other Links

Indigenous Education: The following link provides lesson plans and activities that math teachers can use for students in grades K to 12.


Other Math: The following website has a few lesson plans that math teachers can incorporate into their units


Grade 6 Math: The following link provides lesson plans that educators can use for students in grade 6.


2020 EDUC 530: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Vicky B, Jamie H, Ginelle M, Matthew S, Sophia T

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