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Readings for Students

This section focuses on unique books/stories for students sorted by grade.

Grades 4-6


The following link contains a list of books appropriate to read with students in grades 4 to 6. 





Grades 7-9


The following link contains a list of books appropriate to read with students in grades 7 to 9. 





Grades 10-12


The following link contains a list of books appropriate to read with students in grades 10 to 12. 





Young Adults

​Good for Nothing

(Michel Noel)

  • About a 15 year old boy and how he was affected by his time in a residential school

  • He is told he is “good for nothing”

  • He is kicked out of school and sent back to reserve in Quebec, but it is too hard for him to return


Sugar Falls
(David A. Robertson)

  • Based on true story of Betty Ross

  • She was adopted into a loving family at a young age but sent to residential school at 8 where she was abused

  • Highlights the role of her father’s teachings in giving her hope to survive

2020 EDUC 530: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Vicky B, Jamie H, Ginelle M, Matthew S, Sophia T

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